JKSSB Admit Card of Assistant Compiler & Other Posts of various Advertisements | Download Here |👇👇👇
Download load admit Card 👇👇👇👇👇👇 http://jkssb1.onlineregistrationform.org:8250/AdmitCard/OnlineAdmitCardDownloadAction_onlineAdmitCardPage.action Subject:-Computer Based Written Test (CBT) for the various categorie Subject:-Computer Based Written Test (CBT) for the various categories s of posts of various Advertisement vide Notification Nos w.e.f 20-12-2021 to 12-01-2022- regarding. 1. The J&K Services Selection Board vide notification No. SSB/COE/CBT-IV/2021/7607-17 dated 10-11-2021, informed the concerned candidates that the examination for various categories of posts of various Department advertised in various Notification Nos, shall be held w.e.f 08- 12-2021 onwards. 2. Now, therefore, the final examination schedule indicating dates in respect for the posts of shown at annexure “A” of this notice are hereby notified and shall be conducted w.e.f 20-12-2021 to 12-01-2022. It is further informed that the Admit Cards for the...